Zvishanu Flavored Blu Vape Zvigadzirwa zveKushambadza zvinorambwa neFDA



Four Blu disposable kuchema zvigadzirwa uye chimwe My Blu vape chigadzirwa chakapihwa Marketing Denial Order (MDO) neUS Chikafu neDrug Administration kuFontem US MaMDO anoreva kuti kambani haitenderwe kushambadzira kana kugovera izvi zvinonhuwirira blu vape zvigadzirwa muUnited States. Nekudaro, Fontem US ine sarudzo yekuendesa zvikumbiro zvitsva zveiyi flavouted blu vape zvigadzirwa.



Zvigadzirwa zvakarambwa zveblu zvinosanganisira yakavharwa menthol e-liquid uye akati wandei ane flavouted blu vape zvigadzirwa. Izvo chaizvo zvigadzirwa zvakagamuchira MDOs ndeyeBlu Zvinoraswa Menthol 2.4 percent; flavored blu disposable Vanilla 2.4 percent; flavored blu kuraswa Polar Mint 2.4 percent; flavored blu Zvinoraswa Cherry 2.4 percent; and MyBlu Menthol 1.2 percent.

Sei iyo FDA ichiramba Flavored Blu Vape?

The FDA reviewed Fontem U.S.’s premarket tobacco product applications and found that they did not provide enough evidence to demonstrate that marketing these flavored blu kuraswa products would be in the best interest of public health, as required by the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The applications lacked sufficient evidence on harmful ingredients in the aerosol of one product and battery safety for several products. Additionally, the applications did not show enough data to prove that these new products could benefit adult smokers in terms of completely switching from traditional cigarettes or significantly reducing cigarette use. The potential risk to youth also outweighed any potential benefits for adult smokers, according to the FDA.

donna dong
Author: donna dong

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