Vape News


E-Cigarettes Haikwanise Kudzosera Kukuvadzwa kuEpithelium Inofema

Zvidzidzo zvakawanda zvekutanga zvakaratidza kuchinja kune e-fodya kubva pakuputa fodya inzira ine hutano kune vakapindwa muropa nefodya. Ichi ndicho chikonzero akawanda e-fodya achitengeswa senzira dzine hutano kune fodya...

Synthetic Vaping Makambani

FDA Inonyevera uye Inotanga Crackdown paSynthetic Vaping Makambani

MaDemocrats nevamiriri vefodya vari kushoropodza FDA nekusaita zvakakwana kudzora makambani ekugadzira vaping uye zvigadzirwa zvechikakananda. Vanoti kutadza kweFDA kuzadzisa zvizere...


Inoshevedza Kurambidzwa kweChizvarwa paFodya uye Mavhapes muMalaysia

Malaysia Calls for Generation Ban on Tobacco At first, teenagers may not realize how their first cigarette can lead to nicotine addiction. Apart from active smoking, children can be exposed to secondh...

feelm ceramic coil

FEELM Inosuma Yekutanga Ceramic Coil Solution yePasirose inoraswa Pods

(Shenzhen, China | Business Wire) FEELM, the flagship atomization tech brand belonging to SMOORE, today showcased the world’s first ceramic coil disposable pod solution series, FEELM Max at Vape...


Vabereki veIrish Vakakwira Mumaoko Pamusoro peKukurumidza Kwevachiri kuyaruka kubatwa paVaping

Teens are Getting Hooked on Vaping Many in Ireland and the world over have argued that vaping helps people addicted to tobacco smoking quit. This has been one of the major narratives pushing for the l...

CAP musikana akapindwa muropa ne vape

CAP: Huwandu hweVadiki Vadiki, Kunyanya Vasikana Vakapindwa Muropa neVape, E-fodya, paKusimuka

Girls Addicted to Vape Georgetown: A survey on the consumption of electronic cigarettes and vape among young individuals by the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) revealed that there is a high numb...

Vape kana mudzanga

Khairy: Hapana Nguva Yejeri Yekuve nemunhu Wega Vape kana Fodya

Khairy Jamaluddin on July 8 affirmed that sentencing of individual possession of vape or cigarette will not be part of the Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill, seeking to forbid smoking for the upcoming ...

Vazvipiri veUkraine Vanotendeukira kuE-Cigarette Batteries

Vazvipiri veUkraine Vanotendeukira kuE-Cigarette Mabhatiri kune Power Drones

In a surprising turn of events, e-cigarette batteries are now being used by Ukrainians to help in the war efforts. According to the Independent, many volunteers report turning to e-cigarette batteries...

Immune System

Ngwarira! Vamwe "Chizvarwa Chechina" Vpers muMusika Inogona Kukuvadza Immune System Yako

Immune System Suppressions A new study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that e-cigarettes made up of nicotine salts had immune suppression effects on u...